Loopback: Audio Routing for Mac Broadcasters | Radio.co

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Loopback: Audio Routing for Mac Broadcasters

Make sure audio goes to where it needs to with Loopback, a way to route your sounds for a Mac setup.

Aaron Corkin

by Aaron Corkin in Production

Last updated 06.08.2023

Loopback Blog Header

Make sure your audio goes to where it needs to with Loopback. Whether you’re using iTunes, Spotify, or a microphone, easily organise and route them to places like Skype or a broadcaster like BUTT on your Mac setup.

Setting up Loopback

Download Loopback - open the zip and add it your Mac’s Applications folder. When you open Loopback, the home menu appears.

Loopback Home Screen

Select the + New Virtual Device button - “Loopback Audio” appears (you can change it to another name later on if you want).

Above your inputs click on the + button, then choose the applications or devices you want to capture audio from. For instance, Spotify, Google Chrome, a microphone, etc.

Loopback Main Interface

You can delete any device or application, just select it and click on the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

Next, go to the Sound Settings on your Mac; select Loopback Audio (or whatever you named it) so it's now your input device.

Broadcasting to Your Radio Station

Send out your routed audio to your radio station online. For Loopback to work with Radio.co, you need a broadcasting tool such as BUTT which you can download here.

Within BUTT, add your Radio.co broadcasting details. You can find these within your Radio.co Dashboard.

Once BUTT is open, set it up!

  • Select Settings, then under Server Settings click ADD.
  • Enter your live broadcasting details then click ADD.
  • Next click Save.

Under the Audio tab, make sure the Audio Device selected is using Loopback. To begin broadcasting click the play button on the main window.

The audio setup in your Loopback config, like Spotify and your microphone, should be broadcast through BUTT and out to your radio station.

Audio Hijack: All-In-One Broadcaster

If BUTT isn’t your thing, then there’s always Audio Hijack. From the same creators of Loopback, Audio Hijack is another way for you to broadcast your shows online, but in a much simpler way.

For the full setup guide for Audio Hijack, then click the button below.

How to Setup Audio Hijack

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