6 Smart Ways to Repurpose Content from Your Radio Station | Radio.co

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6 Smart Ways to Repurpose Content from Your Radio Station

Make the most of your radio shows by repurposing content to reach more listeners and really grow your audience!

Jamie Ashbrook

by Jamie Ashbrook in Marketing

Last updated 29.08.2024

Repurpose Content Radio Station Blog Header

You own an internet radio station broadcasting 24/7, you’re building an audience, and people are tuning in… great… but is that enough?

Is there a nagging little voice at the back of your mind telling you that there’s an even bigger audience out there for your radio station? An audience that would love the content that you’re putting out in your shows if only they knew that your radio station existed!

The problem is, where are they and how will you reach them?

The truth is that we all consume content differently. If you’re wondering why more people aren’t tuning into your radio station, it may well just be that they aren't radio listeners – ouch!

I know that one hurt, but hear me out...

Just because they don’t listen to radio doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy and find value from your content. All you have to do is repurpose content from your radio station into new formats and publish it on the platforms that your target audience are actively on.

In other words, go to them rather than expect them to come to you.

If you want to attract more listeners to your radio station and build a loyal fan-base, you’ve got to rework, reinvent, and reimagine your existing radio show content with different online platforms in mind. You’ve got to work smarter, not harder.

Need some inspiration? Here are 6 super smart ways you can repurpose content from your radio station!

Note: This is a guest post contributed by Content 10x. For more ways on how you can repurpose your content then check out their blog.

1. Turn Your Radio Show into a Podcast

Image shows a keyboard, iPad and microphone on a desk.

Although, internet radio stations and podcasts are quite similar, repurposing from one format to the other requires more than simply uploading the audio recording of the radio shows on your station and calling them a podcast.

So, whilst repurposing your radio show content into a podcast seems like the logical first step, it’s not going to be a replica of your radio show’s recording (so no copy and paste job here!).

You’ll likely have to develop a different strategy for the use of advertisements in your podcast episodes. For example, if you have the same advertiser advertising on your radio station and your podcast, you may need to record different versions. Unlike radio, podcast commercials are usually shorter and snappier.

Record an intro and outro to add to the beginning and end of your podcast. If you want to direct listeners to something like a new product or service, you can do so at the start or end. Also, be sure to remove music unless you have express permission to play it. Otherwise a big fine could be heading your way!

When choosing what shows/sections of shows on your radio station you should repurpose into a podcast, try to step into the mindset of a podcast listener. Think about its relevancy, whether it’s entertaining, informative, and whether it will connect well with the podcast listeners out there.

Think about the most popular shows on your station that your audience hate to miss. Because that’s the beauty of later offering the show as an on-demand podcast. Your audience can catch-up on what they missed out on in their own time.

For example, Absolute Radio repurposes content into podcasts quite well, which gives listeners the chance to hear their favourite shows on the move. It’s a genius idea because even if listeners miss the live show on the radio, they can catch up later on the podcast, so it's win-win for everyone!

Image shows the Podcasts page on Absolute Radio's website.

2. Social Media Visuals & Posts

Image shows a graphic design where the logos for social media platforms are on coloured polaroid designs.

Social media can be a wonderful tool when used correctly. In the hands of broadcasters, places like Twitter and Facebook let you stay connected with listeners and keep them updated about recent events on your radio station.

Currently, there are 3.196 billion social media users worldwide! That’s a lot of people, and they’re all searching for something to keep them entertained (or distracted) as they scroll through their newsfeeds.

YOU’VE got to be that distraction!

Did you know that you can extract a quote or key learning point from your radio show and turn it into a bite-sized, eye catching visual that’s perfect for sharing on social media?

Image shows a tweet from Hits Radio.

How about taking fun photographs of you recording your radio show and sharing them with your audience like Hits Radio?

Your social media posts must be engaging.

Ask questions. Ask for people’s opinions on topics discussed in your radio show. Think of ways that you will get people to like, comment, and share. That should be your goal.

3. Teaser Videos, AKA Audiograms

Image is a close-up of a pair of headphones on a laptop.

It can be challenging to get your audio content, your voice, onto social media… which is why I suggest creating teaser videos, otherwise known as audiograms.

An audiogram is a short audio file that has been converted into a video file - created by pairing together a section of audio with an image. When you hit play on the file, you’ll hear the audio snippet and usually an animation of a moving sound wave will display. Our friends over at Podcast.co do this quite well with their Podcast of the Day.

Image shows a Podcast of the Day style tweet from Podcast.co.

If you want to direct people to a radio show you know they’re going to love, why not treat them to a short - less than one minute - audio snippet from your show?

Choose a clip that is funny, engaging, insightful… essentially, something that will grab and hold attention. Something suitable for social media.

Thankfully, you don’t need to be a programmer to learn how to create audiograms for your radio show, but it does take some practice. The teaser must be short though, so try and keep it under the one minute mark (and under 15-seconds for Instagram Stories!).

4. Blog Posts & Written Articles

Image shows a close-up of the 'Add New Post' tab within Wordpress.

Does your radio station have a blog?

Repurposing your radio show into written content for a blog is a fantastic way to attract more people to your station. You will tap into the power of SEO (search engine optimisation)!

Writing an article based on your radio show (or podcast) gives people who prefer to read, rather than listen, the chance to get to know you via an alternative form of content.

One of the main advantages of repurposing your radio show content into a written blog post is the SEO benefits. Think about it, when we need to find something, where is the first place we go for help? Usually Google, right?!

When the search engines scan the web for content, they are predominantly scanning text, so, having written content is really important (audio content is great, but audio alone can let us down when it comes to SEO!).

With that in mind, think about the kinds of questions that your listeners are asking. Create blog posts that answer those questions. For example, UK based station Big Top 40, regularly release articles around content discussed during their shows, like what the best pop songs of that year were. When searching for "best pop songs of 2018", they're one of the top search results!

Image is the Google search results for 'best pop songs 2018'.

Being at the top of search results means more traffic to your website and potentially more listeners tuning into your radio station. If you haven't got a website or blog yet, then it's only a stones throw away with the Website Builder.

5. Emails

Image is a close-up of a woman's laptop while she's in a business meeting.

People don't always get the chance to tune into your shows, so help them out with email catchups. Repurpose your radio content into an email newsletter that can be shared with your subscribers and fans of the show for awesome engagement!

Contrary to popular belief, email is still alive and kicking! A newsletter/regular email is one of the best marketing tools that can help build brand awareness and keep your subscribers updated with the latest news or gossip. It gives you the opportunity to build a strong relationship and let them know what’s going on with your radio station.

WARNING: Make sure your emails add value and are not spammy!

We all hate spam and junk emails, so keep that in mind when crafting your emails. Of course, if you’re in the EU, your newsletters will have to be sent to a fully GDPR compliant email list!

Plus, in terms of getting email addresses in the first place, there are plenty of ways to do this. Usually by way of offering something of value in exchange for an email address, so freebies that people will find of interest, plus giveaways and competitions as well. More on that and how successful radio stations do it here.

Again, making sure that when you obtain an email address you provide the option for them to opt-in to your newsletter. Similar to how we do it here at Radio.co!

6. Live Video

Image is a hand in a garden, holding an old metal video camera that has a Facebook Live sticker on it.

Live video is becoming increasingly popular. Now, more than ever, we’re jumping in front of the camera and connecting with our listeners on a deeper, more personal level.

When you record a radio show, your audience gets to know you through your voice and the messages you share. But there’s still a bit of separation between you and your audience. You can bridge the gap by leveraging the power of live video!

Engage with your audience by repurposing your radio show into a live video on Facebook, Instagram, and/or YouTube.

People LOVE the ‘behind the scenes’ access provided by live video. If it just doesn’t work with your radio show format to interact with your livestream visitors when you're broadcasting live on your station, then just go about things like a normal show. Take Manchester, UK based radio station MCR Live. They often do livestreams from sets based in their studio.

By bringing listeners into your world, you allow them to see you 'doing your thing' on your radio show. Plus, it's a good opportunity to reach your audience on different platforms like YouTube, Facebook, etc to increase engagement.

To Conclude…

Hopefully, you found this article on radio station repurposing quite useful, enough for you to go ahead and put some of these tips into action! If you’re like to learn more about repurposing content, then check out the amazing Content 10x (the wonderful people behind this very content!).

If it all sounds like too much work and you’d like to get some help with your content repurposing, then Content 10x offers a fully done-for-you content repurposing service.

Get Help Repurposing Your Radio Shows with Content 10x

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