Turning Radio Shows into Podcasts | Radio.co

Podcasting has rapidly become one of the biggest entertainment platforms today, so it's no surprise why so many radio stations are turning their shows into easily digestible podcasts.

Through Radio.co you can jump on this incredible high speed bandwagon, and thanks to our friends at Podcast.co you can turn any of your live recordings into an on-demand podcast in just minutes!

Integrating with Podcast.co

First you'll need to create a Podcast.co account if you haven't got one already, and if that's the case then fortunately you can create one for free. The Podcast.co integrator can then be found in your Radio.co Dashboard under the 'Integration' options of your 'Settings'.

Once the 2 accounts have been linked you'll need to create your podcast by entering relevant details such as its name, genre and a brief description. Once that's complete you're ready to begin uploading your very first episode.

Turning Your Recordings into Podcasts

When you schedule in a live show you'll be able to set it to record, and it's this live recording that you'll be able to turn into a podcast.

Once recorded they'll be saved under your ‘Media’ tab, and by selected the 3 dotted option button you'll be able to take that recording and ‘Upload to Podcast.co’. After you've given it a name and description you'll be able to publish it to your Podcast.co account, the file will then turn yellow whilst it’s processing and then green if it’s been successfully published.

Uploading Directly Through Podcast.co

Alternatively you can upload any audio file from your computer directly onto your Podcast.co account.

Once you've logged into your Podcast.co account just click 'Upload Episode' and choose the file you wish to upload, and once complete just fill in its relevant details. Once completed simply decide when you wish your episode to be published, and once decided your radio recording will soon become a podcast episode, ready to be streamed and download from anywhere in the world.

Our Podcast.co integration tool genuinely is a fantastic and wonderfully easy way of broadcasting your radio shows to a much wider audience, and it only takes a few minutes to do!

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