Whether you’re talking live to an audience, recording sound bites, or performing an interview, it’s important to be yourself, that’s why we’re going to cover techniques to help you relax and better engage with your listeners.

Warm Up

relax for radio

  • Relieve tension.
  • Stretch your tongue.
  • Stretch your cheeks and facial muscles.
  • Loosen up your neck and shoulders.
  • Hum and yawn.

Exercise Your Voice

relax for radio

Put aside 5 or 10 minutes before recording to exercise and really get warmed up.

Simple things like keeping your back straight, sounding off with "aahhh" or "mmaahh", or even eating a tablespoon of honey can really go along way.

Be Confident

relax for radio

  • Look the part.
  • Get out of your head.
  • Know your audience.
  • Research your topics.

Relax for Radio

relax for radio

Set some time aside before recording or talking live on air as it really helps relieve stress and brings out your natural and more confident side.

Common relaxation techniques that you can use are: getting organised, stretching, and listening to your favourite band.

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