Get the knowledge you need become an awesome presenter...
It doesn’t matter if you’re a national breakfast show DJ, internet radio host, or a community radio presenter - This course was created with industry insider Kate Cocker whom will teach you how to stay ahead of the competition, draw in listeners, and keep them coming back for more!
Build your audience and grow your stations' profile...
...by being the best you and your presenters can be on air
Kate Cocker is a leading industry expert who regularly works with large corporations like the BBC as well as top tier private consulting clients. She has been working at the top of the radio industry for the last 15 years and she's the person that radio stations turn to when they're looking to train their talent and take their presenting skills to the next level.
Kate is the in-demand instuctor who teaches presenters how to create a unique voice - and this is your opportunity to work with her directly.
Gain real presence and influence over your audience
Recently, more and more clients have been telling us that their on-air talent needs access to better training. So over the past few months we have been working with Kate to condense all of the knowledge she has aquired during her time in radio into a course, designed especially for broadcasters like you.
Do you have novice DJs who open the mic and don't know what to say?
Do your presenters ever get stuck for ideas or stumble on upcoming links? Kate will show you techniques that will enable your DJs to think on their feet, come up with amazing content on the fly and and be more confident presenters. Or perhaps they're stuggling to sound unique in a world awash with radio presenters? Kate's proven strategies will teach you and your presenters how you can easily craft your own original voice that will stick in your listener's mind.
Are your DJs getting the results you want and your station needs?
Do you ever wonder why some of your station's DJs get amazing ratings while others struggle to capture an audience? When you buy this course you will get instant access to the tricks of the trade that Kate has learnt over the last 15 years that you and your DJs can use to take your audience numbers to the next level!
Become the most creative and authentic broadcaster you can be in 6 modules
Module 1 - You and Your listener
Your listener is the most important person in your journey to becoming a great presenter. But how do you really connect with your listener...how do you become relevant to their life? What is it about you that will make them return to listen again and again?
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Understand why your listener is important and how they are essential your show's success.
- Be equipped with tried and tested techniques to be memorable to your listener
- Know how to engage your listener through vocal tone, words and storytelling.
Featuring: Real world examples of adapting to your listeners from industry expert Matt Deegan, co-founder of the British Podcast Awards and director at children's UK station, Fun Kids.
Module 2 - Your Content
Content is easy to come up with - well…it is and it isn't right? How do you do it day in day out? How do you create content that really matters? And how do you make it so your listener cares… And also how come the other guys come up with great ideas and you can’t seem to?
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Have a couple of sure fire methods to guarantee a great idea.
- Understand story telling and how to do it meaningfully.
- Know how to make your content unique to you and stand out in the market place.
Featuring: Real world examples of storytelling from Christian O Connell, Award Winning Breakfast Show Host on UK station, Absolute Radio
Module 3 - Prepping Your Content
The best broadcasters, the ones at the top of their game, plan their content. How do you put on a show if you have no idea what is next?
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Know how to plan out your show.
- Understand how to plan to be relevant to your audience.
- Use industry techniques to turn a good idea into a great idea.
Featuring: Examples of planning tried and tested in Commercial and BBC Radio
Module 4 - Being the Host
Is having great content enough? How do you present this in a way your listeners will keep listening and not tune out or tune off? Being the host means you grab your listeners ears and guide them through your content.
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Know never to confuse your listener and give them reasons to tune out or tune off.
- Have the essential techniques to keep your listeners engaged from start to finish.
- Understand how to get listeners sharing your content and growing your audience.
Featuring: Real world examples of storytelling from Christian O Connell, Award Winning Breakfast Show Host on UK station, Absolute Radio
Module 5 - Your Voice
When you can’t communicate with your body language you are relying on your voice to communicate your heartfelt content. How do you know you are doing that?
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Build your self awareness around how you are using your voice.
- Be able to master techniques that enable you to control your voice.
- Be able to use your voice in a way that is authentic and engaging.
Features: Tim Cocker from Virgin Radio UK brings great audio examples of the vocal traps presenters fall into - it will make you laugh.
Module 6 - Amplifying Your Content
Radio isn’t just radio any more - it’s Facebook, Twitter, and your own webpage. Especially if you are running an internet radio station.
By the end of this module you will become a great presenter because you will:
- Have a grasp of how to get your content online and make it effective.
- Know how to use your content to build your audience.
- Have the skills to work smarter, not harder, and still be effective.
Think this is too good to be true?
This is just a sneak peek of the techniques that Kate will teach your DJs when you buy the course

Get access to techniques that big stations are using to grow their listener numbers
These tricks are some of the industries most closely guarded secrets and are not available anywhere else. When you buy the course you will get instant access to the industry secrets that you can use to take your station into the big time!
This is your chance to get your hands on the techniques that major corporations use everyday but don't like to talk about, directly from the person who helped to develop them in the first place.
Are certain DJs losing more listeners than they are gaining?
How to Become a Great Presenter is a 5 week course taught via a combination of videos and worksheets. From novice to professional DJs, Kate will personally help your presenters to develop the skills they need to engage your station's listeners and grow your audience astronomically.
Each week a new module is released and Kate will set you a short task that will help you to hone your skills and put the modules lessons into practice.
Learn from the world's best DJs
Kate has worked with some of the world's most well recognised radio presenters and she has drawn on these connections for the course. You will get access to real world examples, featuring well recognised radio presenters such as Christian O'Connell, and discover how the professionals make it seem so easy.
In no time your DJs will have all the tools they'll ever need and will be able to use Kate's framework's to create a stronger, deeper bond with your station's listeners.
Build a team of presenters on your terms
This is an investment for you and your station, delivered by a recognised authority in the radio industry. The course is packed full of tools that your DJs can use everyday that will help your station succeed. So if you want to equip your presenters with everything they need to help you grow your station's listeners, then this is the course for you.
This is what top of their game presenters are saying about Kate...
“Kate has been instrumental in helping me progress as a presenter - her knowledge of the industry, her passion for creating content and her ability to provide support to those rising through the ranks is endless.”
“Kate’s knowledge and network has been key to my progression in the industry. Her mentorship and coaching has allowed me to learn, understand and practice important and valuable skills from networking to delivering content on air. The enthusiasm she possesses for developing new talent within the radio industry is evident from the time and effort she has put into my journey and career so far.”
“For me, keeping a long career in radio is all about being relevant to your listener. There is a true art to delivering a story and making the other party feel like they are included. Kate played an integral part in me developing these skills on air. Kate has given me pointers that I use every single day in prep and that I will continue to use for as long as my broadcasting career lasts.”

Hattie Pearson
Radio X

Sophie Sveinsson
XS Manchester

Darren Proctor
Key 103 and Bauer City 2
A message from Kate...
I'm really glad you are thinking of taking the leap and investing in the “How to Become a Great Radio Presenter” course.
This course is the culmination of the last 15 years I have spent in the industry, working with top of their game radio presenters and planning the content output for stations like BBC 6 MUSIC, XFM and Key 103.
I'll be with you every step of the way throughout the course and I'm on hand to deal with any questions you might have.
The good news is that a) you get this course forever, and b) if I ever feel the course needs an update - you will have access to that too.
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing what you think of the course.
Kate Cocker Presenter Guide
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