Why We Built the New Radio.co Website | Radio.co

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Why We Built the New Radio.co Website

We've just launched a new Radio.co website. Take a look at what we've changed and why we think you'll love it!

Jamie Ashbrook

by Jamie Ashbrook in News

Last updated 05.08.2024

New Radio Website Blog Header

Have you noticed anything different about us recently? Since 2015 we’ve been rocking the same old design, so we decided to give Radio.co a fresh new makeover from top to bottom! Everything has been updated and modernised so it’s easier for you to find the things you’re looking for (plus, it’s not bad on the eyes either!). Let’s take a look at what and why we’ve made these much needed tweaks.

Fresh New Design & Brand

Over the past couple of months we’ve been working with branding agency BGN on a fresh new design and brand for Radio.co. The idea is to modernise the look and feel of everything so it’s easier to find the things you’re looking for.

Structurally, things have mostly remained unchanged. You can still find the Radio Blog, Radio University, Help Guides, and other pages in the same places. There have been tweaks here and there, but everything is where it normally is. Just take a look for yourself at the brand spanking new homepage:

Image is a screenshot of the new Radio.co website.

Radio Dashboard Built for Modern Broadcasters

Everything has been updated, including the Radio.co Dashboard. The new darker themed branding now takes residence in your dashboard. Take a look for yourself:

Gif shows a screenrecording comparing the old Radio.co dashboard to the new one.

Don’t worry though, everything is still where it once was. Your media, playlists, schedule, and other services in the dashboard are where they should be. Since Radio.co launched, we’ve made several changes, including:

  • Song Requests: Give listeners the ability to request songs from your radio station.
  • Custom Album Artwork: Upload your own custom artwork to all your tracks.
  • Voice Tracking: Record voice tracks directly in your browser, then pop them in your playlists.
  • Track Editor: Edit track cue points, fade duration, description, and album artwork easily.
  • Radio.co Broadcaster (Windows): A simple and easy way to broadcast live from your computer to your online radio station.

So expect more new tools, improvements, and tweaks in your fresh new Radio.co Dashboard!

Radio.co Badge & Brand Assets

Just like with the old website, there’s a brand page you can use to grab assets like the Radio.co badge to embed on your website. Personally, we love the colour on the dark themed badge:

Image shows a dark-themed Radio.co branded badge that reads "Powered by radio.co"

There are also logos, brand colours, and jingles you can download.

What Do You Think?

We’ve given the new Radio.co website a great deal of thought, but we want to know what you think! Do you like the new design? Is there anything you think we could improve on? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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