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Relax For Radio

Squash those pre-jitter nerves by following these key techniques to relax for radio.

Jamie Ashbrook

by Jamie Ashbrook in Production

Last updated 22.07.2024

This is an image of a white man in a yellow cap leaning back on an office chair with his eyes shut. He is wearing a red hoodie. Above him is a radio.co logo and the white background is also faded slightly.

Nerves can be a tricky thing, although it’s a natural part of our defence system to be on high alert when we don’t feel comfort, it can hinder and ultimately stop us from performing our best.

Whether you're talking live to an audience, recording soundbytes, or performing an interview, it’s important to be yourself, that’s why we’re going to cover techniques to help you relax and better engage with your listeners.

Warm Up

Shot in black and white, a white man with dark hair sits in front of a microphone and does reflex neck stretches to warm himself up before speaking on the radio.

Your voice is the most important tool you have as a radio host to communicate your message to your audience. Just like professional athletes, you need to warm up before exercising your vocals. Here are some fun little things you can do to help get you loosened up:

  • Release Tension From Your Temporomandibular Joints: Do this by placing your fingertips just by and in front of your ears and open your mouth - Massage these joints using your fingertips.
  • Stretch Your Tongue: As far as you can in all directions.
  • Stretch Your Cheeks And Facial Muscles: Open your mouth wide and rub your cheeks.
  • Loosen Up Your Neck And Shoulders: Release tension with neck and shoulder rolls.
  • Hum And Yawn: This opens up the back of your throat so you're less likely to strain your voice.

Perform short warm ups to avoid straining your vocals, but once you're nice and limber you can start exercising your voice.

Exercise Your Voice

Shot in black and white, a white man with dark hair sits in front of a microphone and does reflex mouth stretches to warm himself up before speaking on the radio.

No matter who you are are what you do, chances are you need to use your voice most of the day, so it’s important to exercise it.

There are a number of ways you can stretch out your vocals to get ready, such as:

  • Keep your back straight when doing exercises, either sitting or standing (remember that posture is key!).
  • Sound off with “aahhh” or “mmaahh” while massaging your throat (this exercises your vocals so it doesn’t strain your voice).
  • Tablespoon of honey before exercises coats your throat and makes it easier to warm up.
  • Regular exercise should be done to practice your vocals.

Try to set aside 5 or 10 minutes before recording to exercise and really get warmed up.

Be Confident

Shot in black and white, a white man with dark hair wearing a suit smiles and shakes hands with an offscreen arm.

Confidence can be a tricky thing, you have to feel good about yourself to come across to others as someone they can take as knowledgeable and knows just exactly what they’re talking about whilst believing in what they’re saying.

The key to confidence can be broken down into 4 easy steps:

  1. Looking The Part: Dress nice for your audience even if they can’t see as it’s always a good self-esteem boost, so if you look good, you feel good, and ultimately that comes across.

  2. Get Out Of Your Head: To really connect with your audience you need to really be in the moment, so block out any distractions, focus on what’s in front of you and go with the flow.

  3. Know Your Audience: It helps to know who you’re talking to and how better to address them.

  4. Research Your Topics: Know what you’re talking about by going out and doing the research.

Remember that everyone struggles with confidence from time to time. Some people are good at hiding it, but nearly every person has had problems with his or her self-confidence in some shape or form.

You will be fine if you keep these key tips in mind and practice as often as you can.


Shot in black and white, a white man with dark hair sits in front of a microphone and does reflex back stretches to warm himself up before speaking on the radio.

We all have our little secrets when it comes to relaxing, whether that’s unwinding watching a movie, squeezing a stress ball, or something simple like remembering to take deep breaths.

Whatever works for you it’s important to set some time aside and do it before recording or talking live on air as it helps relieve stress and brings out your natural and more confident side.

If you don’t have a “go to” relaxation technique, then you could try to:

  • Drink Green Tea: Herbal tea does wonders as it has natural chemicals to help relieve anger and tension.

  • Brush Your Hair: It may sound silly, but repetitive motions cause the body to relax - Alternatively try another repetitive action like washing up.

  • Get Organised: Take a few minutes to file away anyway loose documents or reorganise your desk as clutter can be distracting.

  • Stretch: Standing or walking around can relieve muscle tension and help you relax.

  • Listen To Your Favourite Band: It releases natural endorphins listening to your favourite track.

In the end the most important thing to remember is to be yourself, be confident and believe in what you’re saying, and above all be relaxed!

If you’re not quite relaxed yet, then sit back and enjoy our video on how to get nice and lucid.

A white man with dark hair and blue eyes sits in front of the camera. Beneath him is a play bar that shows that this is a screenshot from a Youtube video.

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