Starting a Student Radio Station the Easy Way |

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Starting a Student Radio Station the Easy Way

Salford University has been using in an interesting way to teach how to setup a student radio station the easy way.

James Mulvany

by James Mulvany in Tips

Last updated 04.08.2024

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Salford University lecturer Jimmy has been using in an interesting way to teach how to setup a student radio station the easy way. We thought we would check in to see how the students are getting on at the Uni.

How to Start a Student Radio Station

Lecturer Jimmy Ewing uses on a module called Radio Entrepreneurs. Students create their own radio station to build real-world skills. That also involves writing a business plan, creating a website, and broadcasting their shows online using the platform. Check out what the students had to say about getting started with

Laura (3rd Year TV & Radio Student)

If I was starting out without this platform I don't really know where I would begin. makes it really simple to actually start out because it's just so straightforward.
Image shows the Salford University student Laura, sitting in the media department.
One of my biggest concerns with my stations was what do I do when I graduate? Because I will lose this amazing facility at University, but obviously with you have the opportunity to have it anywhere like a laptop, so I have not worried about when I graduate I can broadcast from wherever I am.
The best thing about is the simplicity of the whole thing.

Liam (Station Manager at Utter Radio) is a fundamental tool in allowing us to broadcast. We've used it since our launch. In terms of what it can do for us, it means that I don't have to be in the University to manage the station.
I can be on my laptop at home, on a train connected to my phone, or even in a different country! Something I have done when I was in Ireland recently, which is pretty mental!
Image shows Liam, a Salford University student, in their radio studio.
Radio is changing. Where it goes in the next couple of years is anybody's guess! In terms of what are doing, it allows anybody to create a radio station. Technology is changing, the audience is changing, the listener is changing, and the way they do listen is changing.

Rob (3rd Year TV & Radio Student)

When creating my station the biggest problem I found was where I was going to put it. When you're starting out it's kinda hard to find somewhere that will distribute it. is easy as you have your own site and can make radio on the move. I've got it on my laptop now!
Image shows a Salford University student in one of their creative suites.
The coolest thing is that I've got a player on my website now, which was very easy to setup. My ambitions in the radio industry keep changing. The BBC is probably where most people aim to get to, but with the opportunities in online radio, it's too exciting to ignore!

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