Podcast.co is an on-demand audio platform for you to share your content with the world. Built from the ground-up with content creators in mind to make uploading, organising, and distributing your podcast a breeze!
Radio.co is for broadcasters streaming live shows and connecting with listeners in real-time. Podcast.co is for creators, businesses, and communities looking to spread their message further with on-demand content.
Signup here - if you plan on hosting multiple podcasts then talk to one of Podcast.co's agents about the Network plan here.
You can signup for the Starter plan at $29 (£23 or €28) per podcast, per month. Or save money with annual plans, starting at $290 (£230 or €280).
Note: The UK and EU pricing displayed is not inclusive of VAT.
Podcast.co accept debit card, credit card, and PayPal. Cards accepted are Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex.
Shows that have been recorded can be uploaded as MP3 or M4A files to Podcast.co, either via drag and drop or by clicking the Upload Episode button in the dashboard.
Thousands of broadcasters trust us with their station. You can too.
7-day trial available for new customers.