Create Your Own Internet Radio Station |

Step-by-step simplicity

No coding experience necessary. Your app will come together before you know it.
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Easy customisation

Upload your logos, choose colours and all the rest. It couldn’t be easier.


Automatic distribution

We’ll get your app on the App Store or Play Store on your behalf.


Complete compatibility

Your iOS app will work across iPhone and iPad, and your Android app across Android and Amazon Fire devices.

See for yourself

Watch below and see how quickly a fully functioning app comes together with our app builder.


Build your app around your brand

Customise your app colours, images and add links to your social media pages or website so listeners can interact with your station.

Fully featured

Seamless sharing

Let listeners share what they’re loving listening to on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger and iMessage).


Mobile optimised

Respect listeners’ data limits by automatically reducing stream sizes when they’re away from wifi.


Instant exposure

We will do the heavy lifting to expose your station to billions on both the App Store and Play Store.


Recently played

Automatically link your recently played list to iTunes and Google Play to make sure they buy the songs they like.


Critic’s choice

Further increase your visibility on various app stores by encouraging listeners to review your app.


Alarm clock and sleep timer

Listeners can wind down and wake up to the sounds of your station at any time.

Your listeners are everywhere, reach them anywhere

Ready to get started?

Join over 50,000 broadcasters who chose

Smiling radio broadcaster

Create your station in less than 60 seconds, for free.

Pick a plan, cancel anytime, no hardware needed

Smiling radio broadcaster

Take a tour with a radio specialist and ask us anything.

No obligation, just a helping hand