Do you need help setting up your broadcasting equipment? Stick with us as we show you everything you need to know to get up and running in under 2 minutes!

Buy the PreSonus AudioBox Studio bundle on Amazon USA or Amazon UK.

All-In-One Broadcasting Equipment Setup

For this setup we’re using the PreSonus AudioBox Studio series. It's a fantastic little bit of kit as it comes with pretty much everything you need to get up and running. This type of setup is ideal if you want to broadcast live to your radio station, if you're out in the field recording, or just recording podcasts at home. It comes with:

  • Microphone (M7): Condenser mic, ideal for spoken word.
  • Headphones (HD7): Professional studio monitoring headphones.
  • Audio Interface (AudioBox): AudioBox iTwo with simple USB connector.
  • Wires: XLR to XLR and USB (A) to USB (B).

Connecting Everything Together

To get everything connected, start by plugging in the USB cable from the AudioBox audio interface to your computer or laptop.

Next up, plug in the XLR cable to the line one port in the audio interface, then hook it up to your microphone. Switch on the 48v option next to the mic inputs to bring it up to line (basically, so it has enough power).

Now connect your headphones from the jack at the back of the audio interface, then adjust the front dials to set the volume levels.

You should be able to hear yourself without the clipping light flashing on the front of the audio interface.

To broadcast to your online radio station use the BUTT broadcaster software. Enter your streaming details (these can be found in your Dashboard) and connect to start broadcasting your shows online to your listeners. That's pretty much it!

Final Thoughts

There's not much to setting up your own radio equipment, especially with this setup, but what do you think of the PreSonus AudioBox bundle? Can you get up and broadcasting in less than 2 minutes? Give it a try and let us know!

If you have any questions about this or any other audio equipment then be sure to contact us at Alternatively, join the University for regular updates covering marketing techniques and production tips.

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