10 Radio Facebook Groups Worth Joining
Facebook has countless useful groups for radio broadcasters. Some are life savers, whilst others clog up your timeline. So here are 10 radio Facebook groups actually worth joining.

Why Join Radio Facebook Groups?
Radio broadcasting isn’t always smooth sailing. And sometimes you need to look outward for support. Radio Facebook groups can be a beacon of light in broadcasting. There are 3 key benefits they offer...
1. Advice & Help
Radio isn’t one size fits all, especially with internet broadcasting. There are countless ways to get on air, some way more complicated than others. Facebook groups can provide you with quick-fire answers to your problems.
2. Community Shared Experiences
Facebook groups bring together broadcasters from across your own country and beyond. They provide a ready-made community to share the highs and lows of radio. Who else will understand the panic of radio silence? Or, by equal measure, the jubilation of high listener figures?
3. Marketing Tips & Tricks
Many groups will let you promote your radio station to their dedicated group. Alongside this, you can find shows and stations up for syndication. And with the heavy promotion, you can use groups to discover new shows and check out the competition.
When it comes to Facebook groups, 3 things make one worth its salt:
- A clear description of what the group is for.
- Clear rules that are enforced by the group admins.
- An active and thriving membership.
Too many Facebook groups are useless when littered with irrelevant posts and spam. But if a group has the above attributes, chances are it'll be useful to broadcasters.
10 Radio Facebook Groups Worth Joining
Please be aware, the following radio Facebook groups are in order of usefulness. Join the ones that will benefit you the most, or try dipping into all.
1) Radio Community
Size: 20,000 members
This list would be amiss if we didn’t mention our very own group, Radio Community. We may be bias, but we think it’s pretty good. Radio Community is a one-stop-shop for everything you might want from a radio group. You can promote your show, get actionable advice and join in some lively discussions (radio-related of course).

We update the group with useful articles from our blog. These can cover anything and everything, from presenter tips to software reviews. Crucially though, Radio Community is not a free-for-all. We strive to keep it pretty organised. So here you won't find show promotions burying other types of posts like in some groups.
2) Radio Broadcasting Industry
Size: 5,600 members
This group brings a lot to the table as it signposts to all things radio-related. Use the group to keep up to date with news and developments in the industry. As well as seeing what upcoming events are round the corner. Radio station promotions are allowed, but not specific shows.

3) Radio Software
Size: 2,700 members
Software is now a big part of radio broadcasting. Millions of people are broadcasting with only a computer as their hardware. So this is a great group for comparing programmes and learning the ins and outs of software. It gives on-hand help for problems that are both everyday or very niche.

4) Home Recording Advice and Discussion
Size: 23,000 members
While this group isn’t limited to radio, there’s a decent crossover If you’re broadcasting from your own home. Or if you are building your own studio. Geek out over set ups, get inspiration for your own and find solutions for problems you’re facing.

5) Radio Presenters
Size: 5,000 members
Although called Radio Presenters, this group welcomes everyone involved in the radio industry. The group is largely made up of members promoting their shows. But there's a sprinkle of questions about broadcasting that get useful responses. What makes this group good is the very little spam and irrelevant posts it has.

6) Internet Radio Support
Size: 3,000 members
At only 3,000 members, Internet Radio Support is small(ish) but mighty. Its active members are generous in offering help and advice about internet radio. Promos and radio station ads are not allowed. So this is a very focused group for finding solutions.

7) Internet Radio Broadcasting
Size: 7,000 members
This group is focused on improving the quality of its members online broadcasts. Discover what gear other broadcasters use, the services they pay for and how to level up your station. While this group is on the whole pretty active, some questions do go unanswered.

8) Online Radio Stations
Size: 41,000 members
The Online Radio Stations group is focused on show and station promotions. And at a hefty 40K members, it isn't to be sniffed at. How many listeners you can get from promoting your show in a group this big is anyone's guess. But given how large the group is, and how quick it is to create an engaging post - you don't have much to lose.

9) Internet Radio Broadcasting Tech & Tips
Size: 11,800 members
This is a group that doesn't allow station promotion, so is honed in on the tech & tips. Discussions and questions circle around the nuts and bolts of radio. Be that automation, hardware, production or programming. Other members discuss the best ways to market their shows or make their stations self-sufficient. At 12,000 members, you can bank on your questions being answered by this active group.

10) Radio Memory Lane
Size: 10,200 members
This one is our wild card. Sometimes you might want to reminisce or be entertained. In which case, this group is for you. Keep the passion alive by remembering the good old days while looking to the future. This is also one helluva untapped resource in what people love about radio.

Missed a Radio Facebook Group?
Radio Facebook Groups are a source of knowledge and experience that every broadcaster shouldn't miss. But there are loads. Besides our top picks, let us know on socials (very fitting) groups you've stumbled on and why others should join. We'll most likely add them to this list so others will benefit.